What quote am I vibing? “We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don't allow our bodies to heal, and we don't allow our minds and hearts to heal." Thich Nhat Hanh
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild since Last Post: 87
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild in 2022: 618
All-Time Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild: 2983
I have had quite a restful summer - the summer heat in Florida can become dangerous quickly, and I have treated myself delicately, and mindfully.
Mindfulness was the theme of my summer.
I wasn't cleaning up as much, but I never lost sight of my goals.
I took a road trip. Even though I initially felt guilty about my fuel use, I found that by sticking to the speed limit, and limiting my air conditioning and acceleration, I could use far less fuel than I have in the past - especially in my plug-in hybrid vehicle.
I haven't blogged. But I'm blogging now.
I've found that simply by staying mindful about our impact on the planet, and our impact on others - the choices that we make and the actions that we take are naturally more tender. Just as I've treated my body and mind with love and respect in this restful summer by being mindful of its needs, we can do that every single day to create a more beautiful and gentle world.
And even amidst all that rest, the summer cleanups produced results! Keep reading to see what we've done over the past couple months.
